Friday, April 17, 2020

The Big Catch-Up Writers Tips

There comes a time...
During the sheltering-in-place slow-down, I'm working to catch up with the last 2-3 years, if that is possible. First of all, if you aren't on this enewsletter, you may wish to join it using the Subscribe button on the right.

I happen to love Blogger, which is much simpler than a full website, which I also have and it needs catching up. Did I say the last 2 or 3 years have been difficult? And now... But at blogger, an enewsletter is included. A blog, either viewable to the search engines or not, is an excellent place to start, published or not.

One Huge Tip for Blogging Beginners: Keep a folder of all your posts and someday, you may have enough to publish a book! 

Here's another big tip for writers: Use spreadsheets to keep track of your books' data, i.e. ISBNs/print/ebooks, agents, rights reverted, copyrights, contract number, publisher, pub date, agents, etc. It's easier to "grow" one as you go, than to try to compile it all at once.

Next: Get a good note keeping system, and I use notebooks, but mostly a note keeper that flows between my desktop and my tablet. I'm a Mac/IOS user, and cannot say enough about the system, a change over from PCs a few years ago. I do lots of everything on my iPad and it might be all you need, depending. NOTES is an excellent note keeper.

For ad work/published writers:  These memes and links are handy to stock up for copy/paste re-use. Thank you, Donna Fasano. But filing them properly helps, too, i.e. Romantic Suspense titles, Women's Fiction, Western, etc.

The ever important links can also be copied and pasted, i.e.:

She thought she was going mad…the whispers wouldn’t stop. And neither would he.
~Silence the Whispers~ by Cait London
#romanticsuspense #psychic #ibooks #nook #kobo

Here is 2 big ones:
1.) There is no escaping technology and Internet. While writers do not have to be high tech, they do need some know-how. Assistants etc. can be hired, but at sometime it takes ye olde self.
2. Make Pals. Do favors. Join. Unjoin (sometimes the fit doesn't fit). Learn.

That's a few tips, and I hope to add more. Just remember, if you write an article, blog post, etc., keep it. It will wait until you can revise and use it somehow....

Or you can write to me? I'd love to hear from you.

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