Thursday, March 26, 2020

Goals Checkup

Having trouble meeting your goals? Looking at last year and forward into 2020? I’m doing that now. Making that list.

Every individual uses different systems to get the job done. As for goals, some of us are over directed. :) I'm very regimented, and that works for me. 

Working a day-job full-time, singles, parents, travelers etc. all come into the timing of getting the job done. A work schedule, i.e. cleaning this day, shopping another, pot meals on Sunday/Wednesday has served me well while working a day job full time and writing—and even now as a full time writer.

My attitude has always been to Make Time for Writing, in lieu of Finding Time. “Writing” is translated as just that and does not include PR work, conferences, travel etc. Just Writing.

The right tools help. One of the biggest helps now for me in rough draft is the coordination between a desktop (iMac) and my tablet (iPad). Writing while traveling etc. is much easier, and I love a special keyboard.

Right now, after a house/state move, I'm way behind on writing/ad work etc. Hiring assists is a big deal in time management and that is on my list. Basically, I'm a list maker for everything and that is a major help meeting goals.

After a big house/state move and a family long-term illness and death which affected us all, I'm in an update mode. I’m cleaning up my binder notebooks, covers, ad work etc. Trying to pick up the pieces/threads of the last book in a trilogy. Jayne Ann Krentz once had a wonderful rule: Research/Organize/Plot the book whatever, but once you start writing, don't let anything stop you. Nora Roberts had another: I can fix a written page, but not an empty one. Both could be misquoted, but you get the idea.

Setting X-amount of pages per day is not for me. If the story is hot and you can, run with it. If not, do some job work, edit, review, make notes and then jump into it. Also never leave a story without a paragraph or line to help you pick up the story.

We can meet priorities, or come close, if we make those lists, prioritize, and Make Time for Writing. I use Notebooks/Binders to meet goals, but other can use computer programs. But scheduling Life Management is probably the biggest tip, and right now I'm working on a schedule for more exercise.

Rather than X-amount of words per day/session, I think a list of priorities might be more appropriate, and write the story as it comes to you--or as your outline/synopsis defines. That daily schedule is the best helper I know, and Make Time for Writing. If you keep on that story, keeping it warm within you, that is one BIG GOAL.

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