Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Charging on the Go

Note: I’ve traveled/driven about 8k miles this past year and a half, plus have made 4 flights, all from/to CA/MO.

As a traveler, (and I hope that is done for a few months to allow me to catch up), I can really recommend carrying a purse-size battery charger. Then, with recent Red Flag fire warnings in Northern California and electrical shut offs, I’ve used my charger heavily/daily or my cell phone and iPad. I continued to write on my iPad and danger/alert warnings came through the cell’s apps. (My Kindle didn’t need a charge, but this battery charger would work fine. I read books more on the Kindle than my iPad, BTW, this to save battery power and by preference.)

This Anker unit is about 2X3” and has 4 lights to denote how much power is in it. I’ve used it repeatedly in the past several days, and those 4 light-dots have not gone down to 3 etc.

Highly recommend this handy-dandy device or one like it:

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