Monday, April 18, 2016

Preparing A Book Launch!

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What's that line, "beyond our control"?
We should know within the next few days the firm launch date of THE EGG BASKET. Life interfered and I'm doing my best to catch up. Before life interfered, I had set up tentative promotions. The nice thing about having friends is: they stepped in to help.

Some exciting things have happened though, including a starting formation of beta readers and ARC people. I haven't decided what to call this group yet. Many responded from my NEWSLETTER, thrilling me, and are longtime readers. I sent out a few dishcloths, I tried to crochet. I'm not very good, but people seem to like them anyway. They do have mistakes. One person liked the blue and green combination, which is my favorite, too.

Recipients seemed appreciative, even with all my crochet mistakes. And several are waiting for THE EGG BASKET before they publish their reviews.

Then I had ordered a podcasting microphone recommended by THE CREATIVE PENN, whose podcasting I very much enjoy. If you're a writer, you will want to sign up for Joanna's podcast. The microphone is working great on Dragon dictation. I had used Dragon before with a PC, but had switched to a Mac.

I tested the microphone on a podcast, and have no idea where that podcast went, but hopefully this galaxy. That scared me. I'll stay off of podcasting until I know what happens to it when it leaves my computer. I do think that if you want to podcast you do have to have a certain gift of gab. I probably don't have that. But it's interesting.

This morning Joel Friedlander, The Book Designer, posted his blog about five necessary fonts, and I'm off to get them from FontSquirrel.

MEANWHILE: You could join my ENEWSLETTER? Lots of good stuff happening prior and during a Book Launch.

You see many distractions there are, and shouldn't be, just before a book is launched?

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