Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lady Desperado: Western Novella

LADY DESPERADO: Western Novella

Harp, Montana 1880

The stagecoach robberies are blamed on Raven, a masked man, wearing a cape, an eye patch and a large plumed hat.

Tough cattleman Grayson Steele has to catch the Raven, who has stolen The Book, which contains his infamous teenage art work.  Exposed, The Book could ruin his political chance. His only clue, a feather scented of gunsmoke and oil leads him to gunsmith Olympia Hutton.

In a slumped, timid clerk-like disguise, tough westerner Gray is immediately hired by Olympia.

I think you'll enjoy this humorous take on a man who has met his match in "Oly", the only woman who does not want him...

Read the first portion in my WHAT'S NEW PAGE and I hope you'll want more. I haven't written that many short stories or novellas, only a few, but I really enjoyed writing Lady Desperado.

My thanks to designer Naj Gamber Designs for the great e-cover. My e-newsletter, available for free My e-newsletter, available for free subscription contains more upcoming works.

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