Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reading Tastes Change

The Girl Who Chased the Moon: A Novel
I'm looking forward to reading Sarah Allen Addison's new one, The Girl Who Followed the Moon. I fell in love with her writing at first bite, Garden Spells, and I also loved The Sugar Queen.

Hardbacks are something I rarely buy now, preferring trade or paper, but I just couldn't wait for Addison's next one and blew my hardback money for the last copy in town.

Her style contains a truth, relationships, depth and whimsy, not an easy combination for a writer to handle well, and "well" she does.
Garden Spells (Bantam Discovery) Enchantment lingers in all of us, that special charm, a residue of childhood times when we believed. When we believed. Addison brings that back to the adult female, a time of fairies and enchantment, all rolled around sometimes harsh truths.

My reading tastes have changed and I'm enjoying a whole new realm of writers and topics, included Melissa Senate's work. I loved her The Secret of Joy and look forward to her next one; I like her journeys, and those realities.

Jackie at Farm Lane Books blog undertakes explaining this with reader age compared to reading material. She even has an equation, if you want to check that out.

I'm busy at work with my own stories, but enjoying this whole new realm of reading material in Women's Fiction.

Age does have something to do with what we read, but I wonder if now with some darker times upon us, if we don't look for lighter material.

Smart writers do not write to trends however. They write what they love and what they know.

I am just hoping for more of Addison's brand of reading on my bedstand.


Jackie (Farm Lane Books) said...

Thanks for the mention!

I have never enjoyed reading hardbacks - it is more due to weight than expense (I rarely buy books - normally get them from the library) I just can't hold a heavy hardback when reading in bed!

Cait London said...

You do have a great blog. I sent the URL to several friends who might have missed it.

I've never been a hardback fan at all, but this one, I just had to have.

Many writers like to feel they are supporting the income of others by buying new, and they will if they can.

But libraries are great, too.