Monday, April 27, 2009

A Super Interview: Writer's Slant

Silence the Whispers

BookstoreDeb has posted an interview with me. Naturally, I'm tossing out lots of writer-advice, if you want to drop over. (If so, please post a comment? Thanks.:))

Deb provides a nice interview, very thoughtful, so all that is necessary is to either talk in the answers with Dragon, or write them.

I met Deb at Lori Foster and Diane Casteel's Reader and Writer Event 2008, which I enjoyed so much. A real highly of the year. She does a nice job of presenting my Psychic Triplet Trilogy. I have more interviews coming up, so watch for them. In one, I'll play a character, the mother of the triplets, Greer Aisling. More fun.

As for Deb's interview, everyone has different experiences, but writers are a sharing lot, and some of the craft is hand-me-down. Naturally, this gets diluted a lot, but Dwight Swain's Techniques of the Selling Writer is still tops with me.
Techniques of the Selling Writer

I met this grand old gentleman, now passed, and gave him a copy of my first book, a catagory for Berkley Second Chance at Love. He sent a postcard that means more to me than most awards and it read something like, "You write a romance as it should be written".

I'm in spring office cleaning mode and looking at a laundry basket full of articles and awards, and hoping I find that postcard. How nice of Swain to take the time to send it. How lovely.

1 comment:

Magdalena Scott said...

Ooh, Cait--did you find the card? I hope so! What a lovely story.