Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Writer's Life

I'm just back from a terrific, very fast/intense conference on Book Marketing and Promotion. Novelist Inc 2016 has to be one of the top writers conferences in 2016 and held in Florida! I learned so much.
Watch for my new cover, THE BRIDE'S BASKET? 3rd in my Basket Series.

I'm working hard and updating my e-Newsletter with all sorts of new stuff. Make sure you are SUBSCRIBED? Headed for giveaways and prizes. My beta readers are hard at work reading THE BRIDE'S BASKET, out Nov. That's the third in the series.

That's me in the reptile print. :) Showed the shot to my daughter, who said, "Mm. Interesting." Translate that how you will. :)

Every one of those people are know-how pros. They were shooting videos with their cells as if it were nothing. (I'm still practicing.)

Our photos look like we're partying, but oh, so, not true. We networked, shared information, when not sitting in writer's workshops, like those given from Mark Dawson on marketing on Facebook. Draft2Digital, Bookbub and others were there, mingling and helping. A photographer was there for individual promo shots and I can't wait to get mine--mine is so outdated. (Psst. I've aged a bit since starting 30 years ago. :))

I'm one of many who are called a "hybrid", that is, published in Traditional and in Indie (self-published). I am truly amazed at the runners in Indie and how much they do. Many have teams of course, Virtual Assistants, Editors, Assistants, Cover Artists, and Marketers for them. However, many of us do most of it ourselves.

 Here's a great shot of one luncheon, and believe me, it's important to eat right, because as much as you learn, the pace is stressful. So gluten-free menus were super. Thank you, Trade Winds Resort in St. Petersberg, FL. Excellent care all the way around.

The next shot is of a swan in the water mote just outside our window. Paddleboats paddling away during the day. I actually networked so much, I only saw the beach during one dinner.

I leave you with the swimming swan and the reminder to sign up for my ENEWSLETTER as I am working very hard on it now. AND building a brand new website.

ALSO... You don't want to miss my fantastic new cover for THE BRIDE'S BASKET, 3rd in my Basket Series.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Inner or Outer Organized

Everyone has their own organization set-up. Some people are really highly organized, very neat desks/files, etc. Some of us aren't that neat, and I call us "Inner Organized". Remember that as a Save when confronted by one of those really neat people. Repeated it: Inner Organized. I am Inner Organized. Translation: Cluttered Desk

Today, after pushing on The Bride's Basket edit, I'm busy with the business part of writing. That is: contacting beta readers, washing a stack of laundry, walking again--more editing. Sometimes I stop walking and just keep writing and that's not smart at all. But Mondays are my usual business day and that is today.

<--Usual walking sight.

Here's my usual schedule:

  • Make a list the night before of Musts/Priorities (I like old fashioned index cards and check marks) That’s right on my desk for ASAP in the morning with my coffee.
  • Monday is my dedicated business/grocery/around town day. Friday a.m. is groceries, etc. The rest is usually up early writing, then walking/break at noon, some writing now in the summer heat in afternoons, dinner/walking. Around that timeframe, I’m probably moving around a bit with light housework. Maybe a movie with crocheting because by then, my brain is dead. Then email/blogging/Facebook-Twitter, etc. Then make that index card list.
  • A lap desk is truly handy and I will lay out things beside my favorite chair to work on that lap desk.
  • I use some software to organize: Notes for Mac allows me to keep my Remember This Bits. Copy and Paste Tweets/Facebook, Links, Online Refs.
  • I keep 2 smaller binder notebooks; hug them, tab them, love them: 1. Creative: professional/story notes/conference-flying info/formatting, etc. It has ongoing tasks, i.e. Get new business cards. 2. Info on house/repair guys/when I replaced this or that/retirement$, etc.
Today, it's about Notebook Number One.
  • NOTE: My creative notebook #1 is tabbed and filled with Post-Its on top of notes. I love this notebook. It has side pockets. A lot of writers use this method. Some keep it all on their tablet, etc.
  • When a new story line drops into mind, but I’m deep into my WIP, I put a sentence or 2 into my electronic Toy Box. I also keep a list of potential titles, which sometimes spin off into real stories. A story is always waiting when you want it.
  • NOTE: Currently, I’m building a new website offline, between writing times. I had to drop my full scale website and have my name domain transferred to my blog to save time. This for a sick family member. Now that was a real-life priority. Shifting these name domains back and forth is something that needs to be shared. A web host can redirect your name domain.
But today, it's all about The Bride's Basket. I hope you've read the first two in the series.

Writers: It is really important to keep book/blog/website links at hand. See above. Copy/Paste. Also a graphic, maybe like this one done with CANVA.

And I also hope you've joined my free ENEWSLETTER because I'm about to show off The Bride's Basket's brand new cover and start promotion with giveaways.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Editing the Rough Draft

Behold! The edited rough draft--first pass--of THE BRIDE'S BASKET 11/2016.

As the third in my Basket Series is going through many processes, I'm stepping back to let the manuscript "cool off".

I've been on a hard run to finish this 3rd book and Life has stacked up, the usual stuff. Doing a lot of that as I write.

I'm not ready to reveal the cover for THE BRIDE'S BASKET, but it is gorgeous, a match to the previous 2. The following is in ebook/reader, but also in gorgeous living paper.



In a pinch timewise, as most authors are, to get promotion, etc. done by launch time, I'm contacting my usual beta readers and hoping for more, setting up blogging posts, etc. It's a furiously busy time, and then I'm back to editing, fine-tuning, etc.

I did finish a companion/bonus short story for one of the characters in The Basket Series, and that also needs editing, though not quite the major job as The Bride's Basket. Many life interruptus stuff happened along its writing. If you haven't checked out my Novel Interruptus articles here on my blog, please do. Lots of writer-directed articles that may one day go into several How-To books, as if there aren't enough of them. :)

Meanwhile, I'm catching up with life and then will incorporate my handediting into the rough draft, and then a landscape printout--the MOST HELPFUL THING--in 2 pages per sheet. I really see more in that format. This first rough draft is double spaced on a single page.

This Basket Series is a project I've longed to do and now 3 books are completed. I'm celebrating!