Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring into Repurposing

Since I'm writing about small farm/small town/homey stuff today in the second book of my Basket Series, (THE BASKET MAKER'S WIFE is the first) I writing about repurposing, spring plantings, etc.

Here's a review from an Amazon buyer of THE BASKET MAKER'S WIFE: "Fantastic. I loved the characters and the special relationships. The humor with how the hero deals with the heroine was just hilarious. I can't wait for the next book and will be checking frequently to see who will be next in line with their courting basket."

Currently, I'm researching chickens, and that is a tip about one of the 2nd story's elements. :) This story has had many life-interferes and if you're a writer, you'll know I call them Novel Interruptus.

Meanwhile, I'm crocheting, planting seeds, spring housecleaning, and generally enjoying the season--except the sneezes. :)

Here's what I did this morning, on my repurposing plan:
Those are McDonald coffee cups (I think they have the best coffee ever and they are so nice when they hand it out the window, too.). I've saved them.

 I cut off some of the top part, punch holes in the bottom with a pencil so water can be absorbed, and planted basil seeds. I love fresh basil. My potted chives last all winter, but sad to say, basil does not.

They are in a plastic lettuce container, the lid beneath to add extra support. They are on a table by a window. This isn't the best place for them, so I am hoping they will sprout anyway.

I have more seeds to plant, a plastic cake container at the ready. If we can repurpose, we should.

Here are some gorgeous guys, my favorites. These are the large kind, absolutely gorgeous. If you can enlarge, look at the center daffodil, which has a red bug on it. What kind is that? Looks like a praying mantis?

There are plenty to cut, if I wished, and I may, and the choice of vase is major. There's a tall white one with blue flowers--think imitation Ming, and an all white heavy one with roses outstanding.

But for right now they are too beautiful to touch.
Then, finally, because I'm also working on a crochet story that may be a novella, but crocheting is definitely included in this 2nd THE BASKET MAKER'S WIFE  book (I think. Editing sometimes rules out too many elements) is Tunisian crocheting, which fascinates me.

One of my goals today is to learn how to finish without those loop holes. If you know, please email?

Tunisian also curls, so if you have tips, let me know?

The red object holding down the curl is the travel watch my parents gave me when I headed off to college. Times have changed, eh? :)


Unknown said...

Isn't it wonderful when the yellow flowers appear in the Spring? I always get a springy feeling when I see the first forsythia start to bloom and the countryside is dressed in daffodils. I find it a special blessing that I have 22 miles to travel to get to town. So many wondrous things to see, especially in Spring when the little calves and lambs frolic in the pastures. Happy Spring to all! From CaroBee

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention a planting tip I read recently. Save the plastic containers that you get when you buy things like Strawberries. Those hinged clear plastic containers make excellent little greenhouses for your starter seeds. And they already have the drain holes in them. I try to plant mostly herbs & edible things. Eat fresh! Eat healthy!

Unknown said...

Here I go again. I found that if you put a stem of Basil in water and let it root, you can have Basil all winter. I just tried it this winter and had Basil all winter. I rooted and planted plants for my daughter-in-law and a friend. The Basil for us is still in the water because i haven't gotten around to putting it in dirt. A project for this week, maybe.

Cait London said...

Caro! Such nice tips. Thank you. I'll try the basil-tip and the clear plastic, which I am going to use on my African violet leave-starts. Love you!

Cait London said...

Thank you, YouTube. I can now finish off nicely. It's like a single crochet coming back. I studied some other stitches, too. I like the afghan stitch the best. Simple, just thru the post.