Friday, August 14, 2009

Novel Interuptus

Unable to do much live conferencing/networking this year, I've compensated by using the Net and phone.

Twitter and Blogs are my favorite scrounging fields for industry news and there are some good ones out there.

Luckily, I've collected quite a good batch of friends, agents and editors through the years and those kinships are serving me well now.

There are just times in a writer's life, when nose-to-grindstone suits the need. Sometimes that need is family and life. I label the times I absolutely cannot write as Novel Interuptus. In NI, I just try to hug the story and keep it warm. That Nesting thing, you know.

Usually summer is prime Novel Interruptus time and this one was. I managed to continue keeping two stories warm, write half a book and develop proposals for my Toy Box's backburner. PageFour Outliner is super for writing up those story nuggets that might be developed later.

As for Networking on the quick and easy, Facebook is great. With various mailboxes and filters to sort friends/family, business, etc. communication and networking on that level is also serving.

So I'm set for a day of networking, and while doing so, one heroine's occupation slid onto the pages :)

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