Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Roark Langtry, Future Character, Dead or Not?

IT HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT and LEAVING LONELY TOWN are paired books about the contemporary WY family, Langtry. Readers often write and ask if there will be follow-up books on certain characters, and Bobbie asked if Roark Langtry would get his own book.

Unless my publisher calls for more Langtry books, Roark is chasing Eden in LEAVING LONELY TOWN.

The storyline in both books is based on Civil War veteran Zachariah Langtry, who flees the South at the end of the war. He takes with him all the wealth his plantation family has mustered, in hopes of raising more funds to returning and overturning the North's grip.

Now, Zachariah arrives in the West and finds a problem. To save a Sioux princess from hanging, he spends the money. His journal entries run parallel to the contemporary lives of Michaela Langtry and Harrison in IT HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT. Cleopatra Langtry's journal runs parallel to the lives of Culley Blackwolf and descendant Sable Barclay.

Both journals mention the same incidents, from different points of view.

But until events change, Roark Langtry remains with Eden. You never know :)

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